24–28 Jun 2024
Asia/Yekaterinburg timezone

The Fifth Russian Conference on Magnetohydrodynamics

Scientific committee

  • P. Frick (ICMM UB RAS) chairman
  • O. Zikanov (University of Michigan, Dearborn)
  • A. Ivanov (UFU, Ekaterinburg)
  • S. Kantorovich (UFU, Ekaterinburg; University of Vienna)
  • Ya. Listratov (MPEI, Moscow)
  • D. Obukhov (NIIEFA, St. Petersburg)
  • Yu. Raikher (ICMM UB RAS, Perm)
  • D. Sokoloff (MSU, Moscow)
  • R. Stepanov (ICMM UB RAS, Perm)


  • Fundamental Problems of Magnetohydrodynamics
  • Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence
  • Astrophysical and Geophysical Magnetohydrodynamics
  • Applied Magnetohydrodynamics
  • Magnetic Fluids and Their Applications
  • Soft Magnetic Matter and its Application-Oriented Aspects
  • Heat and Mass Transfer in Liquid Metals (with and without magnetic field)

Dates to Remember

  • January 1 – March 15, 2024 – registration and one-page abstract submission
  • April 15, 2024 – notification of acceptance
  • May 15, 2024 – conference program at the website
  • June 24 – 27, 2024 – conference period


The conference will take place in the main building of ICMM UB RAS (Perm, Russia) with accommodation in city hotels.

Official languages of the Conference are English (preferable) and Russian.

All abstracts, posters and plenary lectures should be presented in English. Regular oral presentations can be made in Russian, although English is recommended.

Following the conferences, in 2024, accepted after peer-review manuscripts will be published in the journal.

Contact address

Institute of Continuous Media Mechanics of the Ural Branch of Russian Academy of Science
614013, Acad. Korolev Street, 1 Perm, 
Organizing Committee of the Russian Conference on Magnetohydrodynamics (RMHD-2024)

Conference secretary

Ilya Kolesnichenko
Phone: +7(342) 2378381
Phone: +7(342) 2378322 (P. Frick)
e-mail: mhd@icmm.ru 
Fax:   +7(342) 2378487

614013, Acad. Korolev Street, 1 Perm, Russia
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