4:30 PM
Nonstationary electrovortex flow in hemispherical bowl with external magnetic field: analytical Stokes solution
K Malyshev
4:50 PM
Comparison of computational and measurement results for electrovortex flow in experimental setup with liquid metal and power supply over top and bottom electrodes
S Pavlovs
5:10 PM
Velocity measurements in the electrovortex flow in the system with two submerged electrodes
I Teplyakov
5:30 PM
The spin-up process of the electrovortex flow subject to the external magnetic field
Сергей Мандрыкин
(Institute of Continuous Media Mechanics of the Ural Branch of Russian Academy of Science (ICMM UB RAS))
5:50 PM
Peculiarities of electrovortex flows in a multi-electrode arc furnace at DC and low frequency AC power supply
A Kukharev