7–11 Feb 2005
Perm, Russia Federation
Asia/Yekaterinburg timezone


Photos from Workshop

Photo session 1
Photo session 2
Photo session 3
Photo session 4
Photo session 5
Photo session 6

The aim of the meeting is to bring together experts in dynamo experiments, dynamo theories and astrophysical applications to discuss new and proposed dynamo experiments in the context of astrophysical dynamos.

Scientific Committee:
A. Brandenburg (Copenhagen, Denmark)
B. Dubrulle (Saclay, France)
C. Forest (Madison, USA)
P. Frick (Perm, Russia) - chairman
A. Gailitis (Riga, Latvia)
G. Gerbeth (Rossendorf, Germany)
V. Matveenko (Perm,Russia)
M.R.E. Proctor (Cambridge, UK)
D. Sokoloff (Moscow, Russia)
A. Shukurov (Newcastle, UK)

Contact persons:
Peter Frick frick@icmm.ru
Rodion Stepanov rodion@icmm.ru