7–11 Feb 2005
Perm, Russia Federation
Asia/Yekaterinburg timezone

Second Announcement

First successful dynamo experiments performed in Riga and Karlsruhe in 2000 have opened a new epoch in dynamo research, when theoretical considerations and astrophysical observations can be supported by laboratory experiments. A new generation of dynamo experiments is in preparation at several physical centers. Some of the experiments are expected to start very soon. During the last COST Meeting on Dynamo (Paris, 22-23 January 2004) it was suggested to organize in a year a meeting in Perm, where one of dynamo experiments is soon starting. The aim of the meeting is to bring together experts in dynamo experiments, dynamo theories and astrophysical applications to discuss new and proposed dynamo experiments in the context of astrophysical dynamos.

Scientific Committee:    
A. Brandenburg (Copenhagen, Denmark)    
B. Dubrulle (Saclay, France)    
C. Forest (Madison, USA)    
P. Frick (Perm, Russia) - chairman    
A. Gailitis (Riga, Latvia)    
G. Gerbeth (Rossendorf, Germany)    
V. Matveenko (Perm,Russia)    
M.R.E. Proctor (Cambridge, UK)    
D. Sokoloff (Moscow, Russia)    
A. Shukurov (Newcastle, UK)

Invited speakers:    
K.-H. Raedler (Potsdam, Germany), History and perspectives of dynamo experiments    
D. Lathrop (Maryland, USA), Liquid metal pre-dynamo experiments    
J.-F. Pinton (Lyon, France), Dynamo experiments    
L. Kitchatinov (Irkutsk, Russia), Astrophysical dynamos

Each participant is uncouraged to give a 20min contributed talk.    
Round-table discussions on main workshop topics are planed.

Workshop website: https://conf.icmm.ru/e/pdd2005

The working language of the meeting - English

September 15, 2004 - deadline for abstract submission    
November 1, 2004 - preliminary program and invitations

Workshop participants are encouraged to submit to rodion@icmm.ru abstract of proposed talk. The abstract must be in English and is limited to one page. We recommend to use LATEX format. The template file can be downloaded from the web site    
Abstracts accepted for the program will be available on the web site and will be included in Abstract Book to be distributed at the Workshop. Submissions will be accepted until September 15, 2004.    
If you are not registered yet it is still possible on the Workshop site.

Registration fee    
We intend to avoid any registration fee.

Location and infrastructure    
The workshop will be held at the Institute of Continuous Media Mechanics. The Institute has a Conference hall for 100 participants. Overhead-projectors, multimedia projectors and other presentation facilities will be available for all sessions. PC network services with access to the Internet will be at the disposal of the participants.

Local Committee:    
Peter Frick frick@icmm.ru    
Rodion Stepanov rodion@icmm.ru    
Galina Levina levina@icmm.ru    
Galina Tsaplina lina@icmm.ru

Tel. +7-3422-391258    
Fax. +7-3422-136087

The participants will be accommodated in one of the hotels in the center of Perm.

The hotels are some 15 minutes from the Workshop Center. The travel to and from the workshop headquarters will be served by the Institute bus. Participants are requested to book (via the Workshop Secretariat only) their accommodation as early as possible.

Hotel “URAL”

Room category

Room description

Price (roubles)

(30 roubles ~$1)


De luxe suite (two rooms, incl. Breakfast)



Single room (incl. Breakfast)


Economical class

Single room (incl. Breakfast)


First +

Single room (comfort)



Single room (standard)



Double room (standard)



Single room without TV-set, telephone, refrigerator



Double room without TV-set,  telephone, refrigerator


 Hotel “Tourist”




Double room

-  two twin beds, shower, color TV, fridge, telephone, mini-bar (payable), incl. Breakfast.

-  double bed,  shower, color TV,  fridge, telephone, mini-bar (payable), incl. Breakfast.


Single room

- shower or bath, color TV, fridge, telephone, mini-bar (payable), incl. Breakfast.


First Class

Double room

Two twin beds, shower, color TV, fridge, telephone, mini-bar (payable), incl. Breakfast.


Single room

One bed, shower, color TV, fridge, telephone, mini-bar (payable), incl. Breakfast.


Travel documents and visas    
Participants are reminded that visas are required for entry into Russia. It is essential that early application be made to the appropriate Russian Embassy or Consulate. Official invitations will be sent to the participants upon the acknowledgment of their participation.


By air:    
Direct flights connect the Perm Airport "Bolshoe Savino" with Moscow and Frankfort a/M (Lufthansa operates, Germany).

By rail: The train from Moscow to Perm takes about 22 hours.

Our sponsors:


Perm, Russia Federation
Academician Korolev Street, 1