The meeting will be organized by the Laboratory of Hydrodynamics , Institute of Continuous Media Mechanics, Russian Academy of Sciences,
Korolyov str. 1,
614013, Perm,
Perm is situated at Ural - the natural border of Europe and Asia (about 1500 km east of Moscow). The Conference can be conveniently reached by air:
- through Moscow - 4 daily flights from Moscow to Perm ,
- through Frankfurt (Lufthansa operates direct services between Frankfurt and Perm three times per week)
For tourist's reason, one can travel by the transsiberian express - it takes about 20 hours by train from Moscow.

Please note that all foreign participants should get visa for arranging their trip to Russia. Unfortunately, visa getting remains a time-consuming procedure (it takes us a month to get the official invitation from RF authorities only). To apply for the official invitation, we need the following information about the prospective participant and accompanying person:
1. Full name.
2. Date of birth
3. Place of birth (city, country).
4. Citizenship.
5. Permanent address.
6. In which Russian embassy or consulate you would like to get a visa (country, city).
7. Place of work, address, position.
8. Passport: number, date of issue, date of expire.