On behalf of Organizing Committee we would like to express our gratitude to all participants for their contributions to the Workshop and offer some matirial for your consideration.
- The summary of our round-table discussion.
- Abstarct book.
- List of presentations. All presentations are available here with author's permission for personal use only. Redistribution or use of material must be agreed by the author.
Akhmetiev, Petr | Higher cross-helicity and current-helicity integrals in MHD |
Artyuh, Vadim | Investigations of physical conditions in AGNs by the radio astronomy method |
Beck, Rainer | Polarization observations of interstellar magnetic fields and prospects with the LOFAR and SKA radio telescopes |
Elstner, Detlef | The magnetorotational instability in galaxies |
Fletcher, Andrew | Depolarization canals and interstellar turbulence |
Frick, Peter | MHD-dynamo experiments |
Dogiel, Vladimir | Interaction between charged particles and magnetic turbulence in the interstellar medium |
Haverkorn, Marijke | Small-scale structure in the Galactic ISM, from depolarization of polarized extragalactic sources |
Krause, Marita | Star formation and magnetic fields in spiral galaxies of different morphological types |
Kothes, Roland | Studying the interstellar magneto-ionic medium through the Canadian Galactic Plane Survey |
Mao, Sui Ann | The Magnetic Field of the Small Magellanic Cloud and the Magellanic Bridge |
Mizeva, Irina | Statistical analysis of polarized radio maps |
Moss, David | Dynamo models for the large barred galaxy NGC 1365 |
Newton-McGee, Katherine | The Nature of Depolarisation Canals in the southern Galactic Plane |
Noskov, Vitaly | Electromagnetic "red" shift |
Popova, Elena | Multifrequency analysis of quasiperiodicl astrophysical signals |
Raedler, Karl-Heinz | On the effects of turbulence on a screw dynamo |
Reich, Wolfgang | Faraday screens: do they mimic turbulence? |
Ruediger, Guenter | Magnetorotational instability in the MHD Taylor-Couette experiment PROMISE |
Schaefer-Rolffs, Urs | The relativistic Weibel instability: linear and non-linear description |
Shchekinov, Yuri | Dynamics of dust in magnetized interstellar shock waves Schnitzeler, Dominic The WENSS & Dwingeloo surveys and the Galactic magnetic field |
Schekochihin, Alexander | Magnetised turbulence in the weakly collisional plasma of the ISM |
Schnitzeler, Dominik | The WENSS & Dwingeloo surveys and the Galactic magnetic field |
Sokoloff, Dmitry | Saturation and quenching in alpha-square dynamo |
Stepanov, Rodion | Galactic magnetic field reconstruction form the Faraday rotation measures |
Tabatabaei, Fatemeh | The radio-IR correlation in M33 |
Tarbeeva, Sophia | Cosmological magnetic field evolution in the early Universe |
Waelkens, Andre | Simulation and Analysis of Polarized Intensity Maps |
Zamorina, Antonina | Modelling of depolarization effects in ISM |
- Photo of participants

Another photo galleries:
from Vitaly Noskov
from Alexander Schekochihin